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Africa Expedition 2007

Redakce / 11.10.2006
Jedinečná šance užít si Afriku skutečně outdoroově a přitom dojít až na dno svých fyzických a psychických sil. Sponzorované místo je jen pro jednoho zástupce z ČR!

Pro české adventure závodníky, extrémní sportovce a outdoorové nadšence se otevírá jedinečná možnost získat jediné volné místo v jedné z nejdelších extrémních adventure expedic světa.
Sponzoři hradí veškeré náklady pro 8 lidí z 8 zemí světa (Česká republika, Slovensko, Chorvatsko, Maďarsko, Rusko, Ukrajina, Slovinsko, Saudská Arábie).

Zájemci o místo v expedici musí zaslat svůj sportovní životopis s fotografií v anglickém jazyce do 20. října 2006 na adresu:
Szűcs Julianna - szucs.julianna@dunaweb.hu
Ze zájemců o expedici budou vybráni tři finalisté a z nich jeden jediný, který bude hájit Českou republiku na Africa Expedition 2007. 

Trasa vede skrz celý africký kontinent, začíná v Cape Town a končí v Alexandrii a je dlouhá 13500 km. Členy expedice čeká 2224 km na kajaku, 300 km běhu, 8000 km na horském kole, 150 km na čtyřkolkách, 200 km na in-linech, canyoning, rafty (řeka Zambezi), treking (Kilimanjaro - 5895 m, Mount Kenya - 5199 m). To vše během pěti měsíců od března do srpna 2007.

Originální propagační email (v aj)

The world’s longest extreme expedition!

14 brave extreme sportsmen will raft, bike, kayak, trek, quad and run cross Africa, fast 13500 km from Cape Town to Alexandria. Altogether 2224 km with kayak, 300 km running, 8000 km by bike, 150 km by quad, 200 km inline skating,  and canyoning, rafting (Zambezi river), hiking on Kibu/Kilimanjaro, Kenya mountain, Teleki crater and the holy mountain of the masai tribe Oldoinyo Lengai crater. The key feature is the safety, a doctor a rescue help and local courier will be member of the team and police guards will follow the expedition in the critical regions.

We are seeking multi-sport extreme sportsmen:
- If you are ready for the biggest challenge in your life
- If you have practice long distance running, mountain biking, kayaking
- experience in navigation and rafting is an advantage
- if you regularly take part at triathlon or iron man competitions or adventure races
- if you are read for everything (f.e. the feeling that you could not take a shower for days or the lack of civilisation is tougher to cope with than the physical)
- if you would like to prove that you are one of the best extreme sportsmen in the world
- if you speak good English
- if you are a team player
- if you are aware of your capabilities, you do your best, but for avoiding harm or being overloaded can make a decision to get out and have rest.
Than the XXI century international Africa expedition is for YOU!

The programme provides a rest day each week mainly with internet access.

The physical condition and the training are crucial, but the mental stress will be tougher during the 5 months of the expedition. The 14 sportsmen have to form a real team and have to do their best, and sometimes this is not enough. All for one, and one for all. They have to make quick decisions in danger and if necessary obey the team leader without fail.

Timing: 10th March 2007. – August 2007.

What we provide:
- uniform for bike riding, and trekking and basic equipment for camping (jacket, hat, T-shirts, biking dress, 20 litres backpack, tent)
- food, water, vitamins, energy products and extra protein
- suntan lotion, insect products
- overland vehicle, jeep, air fare to Cape-Town and from Cairo back
- all necessary equipment: kayak, raft, rope activity tools, quad, inline skates, bikes (own inline skates and bikes can be brought)
- permanent medical monitoring, medical equipment, medicines, malaria tablets
- in case of any accidents the team member will be automatically taken to the hospital
- local courier
- route passes for 11 countries
- entrance fees for national parks
- visas
- insurance
- colourful, breath taking extreme programme
- flight ticket

What we expect from you:
- ready for the challenge and Africa
- matching the criteria above
- sport CV and photo till 9th October sent to our partner in your country
- Casting, Personal interview between till 25th October in the capital of your country, we make a suitable appointment with you in advance.
- 5 months dedicated for the programme, and before and after be partner for the media plan, interviews, travel reports, press conferences.

You can find a smaller personal sponsor as well and can have a logo of the company on your uniform. The content of the contract with this sponsor must be agreed by us. 

Organiser: Danube Bend Adventure, 2600 Vác, Körtvélyes 20455. Hungary. Tel: (3620) 9548042
www.adventurerace.hu, www.continentexpedition.com

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